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Cockroach Control

Cockroaches are found all over the world. There are more than 3,500 species of cockroach. The most common varieties in Australia include the German, American and Oriental cockroaches. 

American cockroaches are large and black. German cockroaches are smaller and brown. Oriental cockroaches are medium sized and dark brown to black in colour.

Because cockroaches eat a wide range of food, including rotting garbage, they spread a number of diseases to humans including salmonella and gastroenteritis. Recent studies have indicated cockroaches can also cause allergies. 

 American Cockroach

(Periplaneta americana)

The American cockroach is the largest cockroach found in houses. 
Females can hatch up to 150 offspring per year. Cockroaches don’t get their wings until they become adults.

American cockroaches are also known as “water bugs” because they are so commonly found near rich water resources, like puddles and water pipes. 
American cockroaches are nocturnal. They rest by day and forage for food at night.

Characteristics of American Cockroach:

Size: 2"

Colour:  Reddish brown, with a yellowish figure eight pattern on the back of their head


American cockroaches will eat just about anything, including plants and other insects.

Life cycle

Females produce an egg case called an ootheca which protrudes from the tip of the abdomen. 
After about two days, the egg cases are placed on a surface in a safe location. 
Egg cases are about 0.9 centimetres (0.35 in) long, brown, and purse shaped. Immature cockroaches emerge from egg cases in 6 to 8 weeks and require 6 to 12 months to mature.
Adult cockroaches can live up to one year, during which females produce an average of 150 young

Australian Cockroach

(Periplaneta australasiae)

 Despite their name, they are not native to Australia. They originated from Asia.

They became totally adapted to the domestic life. They are pest in households.

This species of cockroach, and the German cockroach, have given the Cockroach group the bad name.

They transmitted diseases when they occur in house and restaurants.

They can contaminate food and must be controlled.

Characteristics of Australian Cockroach:

Size: 30-35mm

Colour: Yellow border on pronotum (area behind the head) is very distinct. Dark Reddish brown in colour.


Omnivorous. Scavenger. Prefers decaying organic vegetable matter. Will feed on starch materials such as book bindings..

Life cycle

Gradual / Incomplete metamorphosis (egg – nymph – adult). Eggs are encased in an egg capsule (Ootheca). Female drops the egg capsule (Ootheca) shortly after it is formed near a food source, in crevices, on walls, or under workable material such as moist wood, so as to camouflage it.

Eggs per capsule: 16-24.

Incubation period: 30-40 days.

Nymphal period: 6-12 months.

Nymphs normally moult 10-12 times to reach adulthood. Females may produce 12-30 egg capsules in a lifetime. Egg capsules are completed and dropped at about 10 day intervals. Adult lifespan: up to 8 months.


Found mostly outdoors. Often found under bark of trees, woodpiles and locations with moist and decaying vegetable matter.

Can be found inside homes in cupboards, behind drawers, in all food areas and industrial areas, subfloor areas, wall and roof voids.

Favours warm, humid environments. Is not found as readily in cooler climates compared to the American cockroach.


Orchid virus transmission by the Australian cockroach. It invades a structure it will feed upon varieties of starchy materials.

German cockroach

(Blatella germanica)

The German cockroach is a small species of cockroach.

The male has wings that cover the abdomen, while the female has wings that do not cover the abdomen completely. The male appears more slender than the female, the female appears wider.. 
They need less moisture than the German cockroach so they tend to be more broadly distributed in the home, such as in living rooms and bedrooms.

Characteristics of German cockroach:

Size: 1/2" to 5/8"

Colour: Brown to Dark Brown



German Cockroaches are attracted to sweet and floury foods. They also eat non-organic items such as toothpaste and books.

Life cycle 

A female brown-banded cockroach carries her egg capsule for a day or two, and then attaches it to a protected surface.

The egg case is purse-shaped, light brown in colour and is cemented in place, usually to the side or under surfaces of infested objects.

Females will produce about 14 egg capsules during their adult life, each containing about 18 eggs. These hatch in 50-75 days, depending on temperature. Under room conditions, nymphs mature in about 160 days. Adults may live up to 10 months.

This species reproduces more rapidly than the other common pest cockroaches. A single female and her offspring can produce over 100,000 individuals in a year when conditions are ideal.


 German cockroaches can multiply very quickly and become a nuisance in large numbers. Cockroaches are unsightly, intrude on our homes and lives, contaminate food, and are capable of transmitting diseases.

Oriental Cockroach

(Blatta orientalis)


  • Dark brown or black in colour.
  • 20 -25mm long.
  • The wings undeveloped in female and cover ¾ length of the abdomen in the male.


  • Females deposit 16 eggs in an ootheca (egg case).
  • Hatch in 2 months.
  • Nymphs take 6-18 months to develop into adults.


  • Highly adapted for surviving in the natural environment, Oriental cockroaches thrive in cool, damp areas such as basements, drains and openings beneath porches.
  • Known for their preference for feeding on garbage and decay, these insects can most commonly be found in rubbish tips and leaf litters.
  • Runs rather than flies.

Brown Banded Cockroach

(Supella longipalpa)

Brown-banded Cockroach control and Facts

The Brown-banded cockroach is a small species of cockroach.

The male has wings that cover the abdomen, while the female has wings that do not cover the abdomen completely. The male appears more slender than the female, the female appears wider.

They need less moisture than the German cockroach so they tend to be more broadly distributed in the home, such as in living rooms and bedrooms.

Characteristics of Brown banded Cockroach:

Size: 10 to 14mm

Colour: light brown in colour; with two light, irregular bands along their wings.


The Brown banded Cockroach will eat almost anything. Brown banded cockroaches prefer to eat starchy foods, such as wallpaper paste and book bindings. Sometimes they’ll eat non-organic things, like nylon stockings. Life cycle A female brown-banded cockroach carries her egg capsule for a day or two, and then attaches it to a protected surface.

The egg case is purse-shaped, light brown in colour and is cemented in place, usually to the side or under surfaces of infested objects.

Females will produce about 14 egg capsules during their adult life, each containing about 18 eggs. These hatch in 50-75 days, depending on temperature. Under room conditions, nymphs mature in about 160 days. Adults may live up to 10 months.


Brown banded cockroaches prefer warmer, drier, and higher locations than most cockroaches. While most cockroaches prefer to live in kitchens and pantries, Brown banded cockroaches will live in any room in the house. They do not need much moisture and avoid light whenever the can.


Brown cockroaches have the ability to multiply quickly and can be a nuisance in large numbers. Roaches intrude on homes, contaminate food, and sometimes transmit diseases..

Smoky Brown Cockroach

(Periplaneta fuliginosa)

The smoky brown cockroach is a large species of cockroach, winged, and growing to a length of 3 to 4 centimetres. The insect is very similar in appearance to the American cockroach, and may often be mistaken for it.

The Brown Cockroach is reddish-brown in colour and resembles the American cockroach, except its body is short and stout, while the American Cockroach appears tall and thin. 
It prefers warmer climates and is not cold tolerant, however, it may be able to survive indoors in colder climates. It does well in moist conditions but also can tolerate dry conditions as long as water is available.

Characteristics of Smoky Brown Cockroach:

Size: 3cm to 4 cm

Colour: Reddish brown colour. Female smoky brown


Smoky Brown Cockroaches feed mainly on plant materials.

Life cycle

Female Cockroaches lay as many as 30 egg capsules a week, with each capsule containing up to 24 eggs.

These egg capsules are normally found "glued" on a cement or plaster surface, usually a wall near the ceiling in open spaces.

The life cycle takes about 339-351 days to complete. Adult cockroaches can live for up to 20 months.


These cockroaches are found both indoors and outdoors. Typical dwelling places include moist dark places, especially under the bark of trees, in sewers, and in crawl spaces.

Tips on Managing Cockroaches

Cockroaches thrive where food and water are available to them. Even tiny amounts of crumbs or liquids caught between cracks provide a food source. Important sanitation measures include the following:

Store   food in insect-proof containers such as glass jars or sealable plastic   containers.

Keep   garbage and trash in containers with tight-fitting lids. Remove trash,   newspapers, magazines, boxes and other items that provide hiding places and   harbourage.

Eliminate   plumbing leaks and correct other sources of free moisture. Increase   ventilation where condensation is a problem.

Vacuum   cracks and crevices to remove food and debris. Be sure surfaces where food or   beverages have been spilled are cleaned up immediately. Vacuuming also   removes cockroaches, shed skins, and egg capsules. Removing cockroaches   reduces their numbers and slows development. Vacuumed cockroaches and debris   should be destroyed. Because bits of cuticle and droppings may be allergenic,   it is recommended that the vacuum cleaner have HEPA (high efficiency   particulate absorber) or triple filters.

Trim   shrubbery around buildings to increase light and air circulation, especially   near vents, and eliminate ivy or other dense ground covers near the house, as   these may harbour cockroaches.

Remove   trash and stored items such as stacks of lumber or firewood that provide   hiding places for cockroaches from around the outside of buildings.

Exclude and Remove Hiding Places

During   the day cockroaches hide around water heaters, in cupboard cracks, stoves,   crawl spaces, outdoor vegetation, and many other locations. They invade   kitchens and other areas at night. Limiting hiding areas or avenues of access   to living areas is an essential part of an effective management strategy.


False-bottom   cupboards, hollow walls, and similar areas are common cockroach refuges.   Prevent access to the inside of buildings through cracks, conduits, under   doors, or through other structural flaws. If it is not practical to remedy   these problem areas, treat them with boric acid powder. 


Cockroaches Migrating From Outdoors


Take the following measures if cockroaches are migrating into a building from outdoors or other areas of the building:

Seal   cracks and other openings to the outside.


Look   for other methods of entry, such as from items being brought into the   building, especially appliances, furniture, and items that were recently in   storage.


Look   for ootheca glued to undersides of furniture, in refrigerator and other   appliance motors, boxes, and other items. Remove and destroy any that are   located.


Locate   and seal cracks inside the treatment area where cockroaches can hide. 


Redknight experts in  treatment of cockroaches

Presence of cockroach and the level of infestation can be determined by employing monitoring traps. Chemical treatment normally involves use of residual and aerosol sprays, dust or powder application and applications of baits in the form of granule or gel. ULV mist and fog application are sometimes carried out when heavy infestation is encountered and the infestation has to be brought under immediate control. The latter is normally directed towards inaccessible areas known or is suspected of harbouring large populations such as bin chutes.

Use of gel baits is recommended in sensitive settings such as food preparation and storage areas. Gel baits are highly effective too.

  We at redknight are highly trained and licensed professionals, providing a comprehensive range of pest control services. We take great interest in carrying out our services effectively, performing our job with care and passion.

Experts in Cockroach extermination in Melbourne, Geelong and Ballarat.

All work comes with warrantees.